Saturday, July 18, 2015

Birthday Girl!

Despite having sickness in our home all week, Busy Bee has so far remained healthy.  So, she was ready for her birthday yesterday.  And thankfully Big Brother and Big Sister were on their way back to health and could also enjoy Busy Bee's birthday.

Since her theme was about a treasure, we did a "treasure" hunt to find her birthday gifts in the morning.  Big Sister helped read the clues for her.

One of her gifts were some fun playdough toys.

We did another "treasure hunt" around the home, having
each sibling help her find things to bring to the kitchen table.
Once all items were collected, the kids got to enjoy a special treat.

After our treasure hunt, Busy Bee and Little J headed outside
to play in the pool.

They had a lot of fun together and enjoyed
"resting" on their towels once they were done.

During nap time I made her treasure box cake.
The brown sugar is suppose to be the sand that the 
treasure box is on.

After naptime attire for Busy Bee...her batman outfit
which she loves.

After some more swimming outside
with all the siblings and eating dinner,
we enjoyed some cake for dessert.

Blowing out the candles.

Happy 4th Birthday Little Lady!
We love you more than words can say.

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