Monday, July 20, 2015

Five Months Old

Our baby boy was five months old on July 16th!  

Our sweet, smiley little guy.

This month he has been rolling over
from his back to his belly.  Every now and 
then he will flip back over to his back if his siblings give
him the time.  Usually the minute he flips onto his belly,
one of his siblings come in for the rescue and flip
him back over.

I (mom) also claim that he has been saying 
"ma ma."  Dad might not agree with me, but 
he does make a noise that sounds extremely
similar to "ma" and it usually is when he
is tired or hungry.  So, I am going with it
and saying yes, my first baby to say 
"mama" before "dada"!!

After Baby J's photo shoot, the siblings wanted to sneak in for
a picture with him.  These two below thought it was cute
to have the "ODD" siblings together.  Big J meant this not as that
they are "odd" (although this might be a little true), but instead
since they are children 1,3, and 5.

Of course Big Sister wanted a picture with her baby brother too.

Lots of love for this little guy!

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