Sunday, July 5, 2015

Trip to Grammie's

This past week the kids and I, plus Aunt Fell and her two 
kids made a trip up north to Grammie's house.

We made our usual hike at the local state park.


The girls enjoyed dressing up and 
wearing their high heel shoes.

We also went on several walks that 
usually ended at a park.

Or that ended downtown by the big tank.

The little boys enjoyed time
rocking with Grammie.

We had hoped to go to a local beach and play,
however the weather was only in the 60's and cloudy,
so not warm enough for us.  We did go to a carnival 
near by and the kids even ended up on the front page of the
paper after playing one of the carnival games and winning.

We were blessed to have a safe and nice trip.

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