Monday, August 31, 2015

Family Trip - First Day at Cabin

After spending a few days in the cities,
we headed up north to a cabin we stayed at for three nights.

Although it was chilly according to mom,
the kids had fun playing on the beach and in the water
the first day.

We were on a lake and were excited about fishing.
However the fish were not even biting.

But the kids still had fun "fishing"

And of course helping drive the boat is
always a highlight.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Family Trip - Hotel Play Place

We love going to this hotel and the kids always have fun playing in the gym and play place.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Family Trip-Zoo

We were blessed to go on a family trip.
One of our first activities was staying in a hotel 
and going to a zoo.

The kids watching Curious George while mom and dad
got ready.

As you can see by the picture below, it was a little chilly 
the day we went to the zoo.

We had a nice time at the zoo.

If you want a funny picture:
Imagine Dad and Mom trying to manage these
five children for lunch at the zoo when it is SUPER windy (and
chilly) and we are eating outside with cups that do not have lids or straws
for the safety of the animals, the napkins and wrappers are blowing
away and bees are all over our drinks and food.
It was an experience...but we survived and made some memories.

Friday, August 21, 2015

School at the Park

A perk of homeschooling...doing school at the park while the younger kids play!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Outdoor Fun

This little guy loves to chew on everything.

Dad also put up ropes for kids to walk on.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Birthday Girl

We had a nice day for Purple Girl's birthday. 
Since she is six, no more birthday parties.  
Instead we just enjoyed the day at home.  
Grammie was in town, so she joined in our birthday fun.

The girls helped me make the cake first thing in the morning.

Later that day, since it was a baby doll birthday, we
had a Princess Tea Party with our Baby Dolls.

We enjoyed the cake after dinner.

The next day we went to get her
birthday present...

Her ears pierced!

She said now that she is old enough for
her ears pierced, she is probably old enough 
to get a cell phone too!  

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Six Months

Our Baby Boy is SIX Months old today!  

Our newest thing is sticking our tongue out.
We enjoy showing it off.

More tongue...

And thinking we are funny with our tongue...

He continues to be our very happy, content baby.
He is rolling over all over the place and can 
even get around in the walker now too.

I love this picture below...guess whose 
little hand is sticking in the picture?
Baby Brother was looking at his Big Brother
who was trying to help me to get baby to smile.

I am all done with pictures mom!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday

Our Purple Girl is SIX Years OLD!!!  Happy Birthday our sweet lady. 
There are so many words I could use to describe her, from loving and sweet, to very energetic and bouncy.  She is my child that has to stand while we do school and is always ready to give someone a hug or a tickle.  You know this lady loves you if she runs up and either tickles you in your belly or gives you one of her "love" taps.

She chose to have a Baby Doll birthday theme this year.  

I love this picture above - she has loved this baby doll for years now.

She also has a new baby doll this year.  
She can change this dolls clothes, which is so exciting.

This little lady is such a blessing in our home.
I know she loves me by the many, many pictures and 
letters she makes for me, the many hugs she ask for, and
from her reminding me that she never plans to leave me. Even 
when she gets married, she plans to move in the house right next door.

She loves being tickled by her daddy and LOVES
going out on special dates with him.
She enjoys playing with her older brother - and 
although they can be quite competitive with one another,
they have a lot of fun together.

She enjoys time with her sister - it is JOY to see
the special relationship these two are building.  I know
from experience how wonderful it is to have sisters.
And if you spend any time in our home, you 
know she ADORES her two little brothers.
She just can't get give enough hugs and tickles
to these boys every day.

She still LOVES to twirl and dance.

She loves life.
She wears her emotions on her sleeve.
She is very loyal to those she loves.
She makes the world beautiful around her with
her love for making everything colorful!

Happy Birthday Our Sweet Little Lady!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Family Music Night

We have enjoyed having family music night in our home.
I am not musically talented, but daddy is.  
The kids all love joining along...well, most all do.
One would prefer to read as he listens to the rest of the family sing.