Friday, August 7, 2015


For Busy Bee's birthday this year (back in July) we had a carnival!  She was blessed to have some of her cousins at her party as well as one neighbor friend.

Lots of help was needed to pull this off!
Aunt Fell helped me organize, figure out the games and
prizes and take pictures during the carnival.  Thanks Fell!!

We had a football toss - Thanks Uncle T for running this game!

Two of the older kids from our church,
whom all the kids love,
also came and helped out with the party.
Brother P and Sister P - thank you!!

Ball Toss - Thanks Brother P for helping!!

Bean Bag Toss - Thanks Sister P for helping with this game!

Plinko - Thanks Uncle J for helping run this game.
My husband made this board for me - isn't he great!!

And we had Knock The Golf Ball Down with a water gun game!
Daddy ran this game.

These two boys won the two "big" prizes at the end of the

It was a fun evening.  Thanks to everyone who helped
make it possible : )

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