Thursday, August 13, 2015

I have those days too...

For some reason I just feel the need to blog and share with whoever might be reading, that I have those days too!!  I think it is sometimes easy to read blogs and see all the fun, happy moments in a family and think they have it all together.  But I am guessing I am like most people and just post the cute, sweet moments in our lives.  However, I don't want any one reading or following my Blog to think that we don't have crazy days.  Of course if you spend any time in our home, you already know that most of our days are a little crazy :) 

Today has been one of those days that hasn't followed our normal routine.  From having to deal with an hour long temper tantrum, to a child deciding to take a pencil to the carpet while working on their school, to now at 1pm, when normally at 2 if not 4 of my children would be sleeping, but instead ZERO are since the 4 year old says she is being "distracted by her toys," the 2 year old pooped in his diaper and is still awake and the baby decided to have to poop as well, which woke him up.  

So, we are all awake when our home is usually quiet.  We are waiting for HyVee groceries to be delivered and for Grammie to arrive.  The 8 year old has taken all day to finish one math worksheet and the 6 year old just wants mom to sit with her and teach her how to sew.

Our days are often crazy, and unpredictable.  They take so MUCH patience...not my patience, because then I fail...but supernatural patience that only I can get from my Lord.  And like most days, there is someone I need to ask for forgiveness from.

Blessed to be in this home, blessed to have a wonderful husband and five children. Like the Blog title says, Give Thanks Always...on the more calm days and on the crazy days!!

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