Friday, June 30, 2017

Mrs. Mom

This lady can be so much help with her younger brother.

She was enjoying playing with him at the park.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Trip to Nebraska - Down by the River

One of the evenings we went and waded in the river
 and walked on the sand bar.  
Another evening we went down by the river, enjoyed the big 
swing, made a fire and enjoyed roasted marshmallows.

Fun climbing on logs.

It was a nice evening.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Trip to Nebraska - Vehicle Fun

This princess car was enjoyed by our four 
youngest children.  Well - mainly 3 youngest, 
as once again, Fancy E was attached to the kitties.

And our Farmer J was in heaven.  One afternoon
his Uncle took him out on the tractor to bail hay.  Farmer J
spent over 2 hours in the tractor, just riding along while
his Uncle worked.  Uncle said he didn't have much to say and
never complained about it taking so long.
When I asked Farmer J later if he had fun,
he said it was kind of boring, but he had the BIGGEST smile on
his face and was SO excited he got to be a real farmer for the day.
Even when we got home he said "Mom, I can't believe
I got to ride in the tractor with Uncle J!"

And riding, or even pretending to ride, on the 4-wheeler
is always fun.

And the many rides on the Rangers - exploring the farm,
checking on the cows and going up and down the "yee-haw" 
hill - was a definite fun for everyone. 

Once again so thankful for such wonderful weather while we there.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trip To Nebraska - Cousin Love

The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.  With Fancy E busy with the kitties the entire time, this left Tiger Lilly and her sweet Cousin L a lot of time to play together.  They had a lot of fun and it was neat to see such a sweet friendship formed.


Somehow I missed getting a picture of just the two of them, 
but above is a picture of all three girls having a tea party together.

Below sweet Cousin L and Puppy J were playing together.  
As much as Puppy J enjoyed the kitties, I do believe he enjoyed
 even more all the trucks, tractors and construction vehicles his Cousin T had.

Puppy J also enjoyed making a band with Cousin L.

And more playing trucks with Cousin T.

Both Puppy J and Farmer J fell in love with Baby Cousin L.  

She is quite adorable and Farmer J quickly discovered he could make her smile
by making these funny faces at her while sitting across the table.

Once she started smiling back at him, he was hooked and from
then on he would try to make her laugh and wanted to know where she was.
Puppy J also fell in love with Baby Cousin L - he would always
ask his Aunt where she was and was quick to find 
toys for her to play with.  It was sweet to see how gentle
they were with her.

Cousin L made her rounds playing with all our children.
She even convinced Farmer J below that this outfit was for boys too.

But he wasn't so sure about it, so he went
and found this outfit instead.

Big J was usually off with the men working 
in the fields, shooting guns, or do some sort of activity.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Trip to Nebraska - Kitty Love

We recently went to Nebraska to visit Uncle, Aunt and cousins on the farm. 
 We had a wonderful trip, nice weather and a great visit with family.  

Fancy E fell in LOVE with the baby kitties 
and literally spent 90% of her trip, apart from eating and 
sleeping, on the front porch with the kitties.



After spending hours with them, she found a blanket and using the 
tote of rain boots we brought, she built a "home" for them.

She was very persistent in keeping them in this home,
that after time I think they "surrendered" and stayed 

These two also enjoyed playing with the kitties.

Even her Aunt was surprised the kitties
stayed put so nicely in their new "home."

This little guy enjoyed the kitties also.

They were quite cute and of course 
all the children asked more than once if
we could take one home. 

We left the kitties in Nebraska and for
those wondering, we did pat down Fancy E
before we left to ensure no kitties made 
it into our vehicle.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Big J played baseball this spring and dad was his coach.

It was a fun season.  He had such a neat team.
They ended up winning the championship.

Here is Big J receiving his trophy for 1st place.

His team and coaches.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Nursing Home

Farmer J was such a sweet boy at the nursing home the other day. 
 Him and this lady, Sally, were having quite the nice time together.  

He was saying cheese for the camera below.

Then he said to Sally "Let's make a funny face..."

Needless to say, I believe he made this ladies day.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Family Reunion

We went a family reunion.  
We had a wonderful fun filled day.

Due to being at a lake and other activities,
I didn't get to take too many pictures.  

So here are my very few pictures.

This guy stayed awake all day long,
in the hot windy sun.  
When we got in the vehicle, he was sleeping
within 5 minutes and didn't even wake
up when we stopped for dinner.

Thanks for the fun day!!