Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trip To Nebraska - Cousin Love

The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.  With Fancy E busy with the kitties the entire time, this left Tiger Lilly and her sweet Cousin L a lot of time to play together.  They had a lot of fun and it was neat to see such a sweet friendship formed.


Somehow I missed getting a picture of just the two of them, 
but above is a picture of all three girls having a tea party together.

Below sweet Cousin L and Puppy J were playing together.  
As much as Puppy J enjoyed the kitties, I do believe he enjoyed
 even more all the trucks, tractors and construction vehicles his Cousin T had.

Puppy J also enjoyed making a band with Cousin L.

And more playing trucks with Cousin T.

Both Puppy J and Farmer J fell in love with Baby Cousin L.  

She is quite adorable and Farmer J quickly discovered he could make her smile
by making these funny faces at her while sitting across the table.

Once she started smiling back at him, he was hooked and from
then on he would try to make her laugh and wanted to know where she was.
Puppy J also fell in love with Baby Cousin L - he would always
ask his Aunt where she was and was quick to find 
toys for her to play with.  It was sweet to see how gentle
they were with her.

Cousin L made her rounds playing with all our children.
She even convinced Farmer J below that this outfit was for boys too.

But he wasn't so sure about it, so he went
and found this outfit instead.

Big J was usually off with the men working 
in the fields, shooting guns, or do some sort of activity.

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