Monday, June 26, 2017

Trip to Nebraska - Kitty Love

We recently went to Nebraska to visit Uncle, Aunt and cousins on the farm. 
 We had a wonderful trip, nice weather and a great visit with family.  

Fancy E fell in LOVE with the baby kitties 
and literally spent 90% of her trip, apart from eating and 
sleeping, on the front porch with the kitties.



After spending hours with them, she found a blanket and using the 
tote of rain boots we brought, she built a "home" for them.

She was very persistent in keeping them in this home,
that after time I think they "surrendered" and stayed 

These two also enjoyed playing with the kitties.

Even her Aunt was surprised the kitties
stayed put so nicely in their new "home."

This little guy enjoyed the kitties also.

They were quite cute and of course 
all the children asked more than once if
we could take one home. 

We left the kitties in Nebraska and for
those wondering, we did pat down Fancy E
before we left to ensure no kitties made 
it into our vehicle.

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