Friday, June 9, 2017

Summer days

I Love Summer!

I love being able to do simple things and go 
places on the spur of the moment.

We went to the library and a park first thing in the morning.

Then we came back and painted rocks, sticks, and leaves. 
(Thanks lady I met at the park for this simple idea)

Then we discovered an inch worm,
and enjoyed watching it at work.

See the long green thing below...

Then this lady of course had to touch it
and hold it!

We read our library books outside.

We attempted to make homemade playdough...
smiles...not sure this really worked out,
but the girls found a way to play with it and have fun.

Dinner, showers, little kids to bed with Grandpa to 
watch them and off to Big Brother's late baseball game.

Overall, a nice summer day.

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