Monday, April 30, 2018

Volunteer - Special Olympics

The three oldest and I volunteered for 
Special Olympics.

It was for daycares in town - 
A Play Day.

Our station was basketball shooting.
VV and I were in charge of one hoop

We had a fun morning!

Sunday, April 29, 2018


With the weather finally getting warmer and staying
warmer, it is getting more and more difficult to 
stay inside and do school.  Thankfully we are nearing the end.

We took our school outside this day - art - pick
anything in the yard and draw it.

Friday, April 27, 2018


I try to remind myself when our family room floor
is constantly covered with tractors and construction
vehicles, that I will miss the days when it is not.

Two little boys equals lots of fun 
with their vehicles

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Piano Recital

Big J and Fancy E had their end of the year
piano recitals.

The whole family came to watch them.
I got to sit between these two silly boys.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Happy Easter - Resurrection Day!

Since the two little boys were sick the night before Easter,
we were not able to go to church (hence no special
Easter dresses on below).

But we were still all smiles and had a nice day.

Coloring Eggs

The weather was too chilly for mom to head outside and
do an egg hunt.  So we did one inside instead.

One egg still may be missing.
It will show up one of these days.

We had a special dinner
and JELLO with whip cream!

Dad had Pecan Pie!

Such a nice day and such a wonderful
reason to celebrate!  Because HE is alive, my 
hope has reason and substance and my HOPE is
secure!!!  Such a great reason to be thankful each day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sick Bug

We had a quick bug go through our home.  Just these two had it and it
 only lasted a couple hours (praising God for that).  This guy got sick a 
couple times and then fell asleep early on our sofa in this position.  

Little Brother start getting sick right at bed time.
So since I knew it would be an hour or two
of him being sick, I just had him sleep on me on the sofa.

Thankfully by 10pm, he was done and slept the 
rest of the night on our floor.

Sickness can be hard, but nothing
beats the snuggles!

Monday, April 9, 2018


This lady loves to carry her Ape-Ri-Cot around.
I often see him staged around our home.

Below is wearing the harness my mom
gave to her, the one my mom put on 
me when I was younger. She then
put headphones on him and gave
him the CD player to "listen" to.

Now he is giving her baby doll a ride on his 
shoulder and taking care of her panda.

She even sleeps with this guy. 
Not sure how she finds room for both of them in bed.

And this sweet lady sleeps with her lamb.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Nursing Home

We have been so 
blessed to be able to go 
to the nursing home once
a month and spend time with 
the very sweet special friends there.

Big J has made many friends
and is so very kind with these ladies.

And Mr. Card Player below found the one lady
there who knew how to play cards and enjoyed
playing Crazy 8's with her.

She kept telling me how she used to play
cards with her siblings when she was younger.
I think it really meant a lot to her.
Tractor J told his daddy - "She beat me two times!"

Saturday, April 7, 2018


We have two children in our home
who seem to enjoy singing the most.
Both girls do, but it seems like Tiger Lilly really
enjoys it. And this guy below, seems to also.

If I have my computer playing music, I will most
often see Tiger Lilly or Excavator Man sitting
at my desk, singing along to the songs.

Love his little mouth below - 
I believe he was singing

Friday, April 6, 2018

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Tractor J!


His big brother got a new bat for his birthday,
so he needed to hold his bat for a picture also.

We love this guy so much.  He adds
so much fun to our home and so many giggles.  
He is growing up too quickly for his mommy's liking.
It has been neat to see him find his own interests and likes.
He of course loves wrestling with his daddy and brothers and 
can't wait to be able to play sports.  I see him outside playing
baseball and shooting basketball.  He also has a new love of art.
He enjoys coloring pictures and loves drawing pictures. We go on 
youtube and Art Hub for Kids and he will draw picture after picture.
He also really, really enjoys playing cards - with dad, mom, siblings,
grandparents, people at the nursing home when we visit.  Or even just alone.
He and his brother, Excavator Man, are starting to really
enjoy playing together.  Big Brother and Tractor J also have
so much fun together.  I love that although 6 years between them, 
they truly have fun together.  They play cards, laser tag, the Wii or
whatever else they can find to do together at times.  
Tractor Man is also good at playing with his sisters.
He is such a fun kid and keeps his mommy's heart warm
with his big brown eyes and his one liners that I get to hear so often,
"Mom, you are the best girl in the whole universe!"
"Mom, this is the best dinner ever!"

Love this guy!  Happy Birthday Buddy!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Card Player

This guy loves to play cards.
If mom and dad are busy and
he can't convince a sibling,
he will just play against himself.
Nice thing is- then he always wins!

I often find these two playing cards together also.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


This spring has been so up and down.
Warmer and then really cold again.
We found a day to get outside and swing.