Friday, April 6, 2018

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Tractor J!


His big brother got a new bat for his birthday,
so he needed to hold his bat for a picture also.

We love this guy so much.  He adds
so much fun to our home and so many giggles.  
He is growing up too quickly for his mommy's liking.
It has been neat to see him find his own interests and likes.
He of course loves wrestling with his daddy and brothers and 
can't wait to be able to play sports.  I see him outside playing
baseball and shooting basketball.  He also has a new love of art.
He enjoys coloring pictures and loves drawing pictures. We go on 
youtube and Art Hub for Kids and he will draw picture after picture.
He also really, really enjoys playing cards - with dad, mom, siblings,
grandparents, people at the nursing home when we visit.  Or even just alone.
He and his brother, Excavator Man, are starting to really
enjoy playing together.  Big Brother and Tractor J also have
so much fun together.  I love that although 6 years between them, 
they truly have fun together.  They play cards, laser tag, the Wii or
whatever else they can find to do together at times.  
Tractor Man is also good at playing with his sisters.
He is such a fun kid and keeps his mommy's heart warm
with his big brown eyes and his one liners that I get to hear so often,
"Mom, you are the best girl in the whole universe!"
"Mom, this is the best dinner ever!"

Love this guy!  Happy Birthday Buddy!

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