Sunday, April 1, 2018

Birthday Boy - 11 Years

Big J making his birthday cake

Everyone enjoying big brother's cake

Can't believe this guy is 11 years old.

So thankful for him.  
He is such a good big brother to 
his siblings.  His two little brothers sure
look up to him and just love him to pieces.  
It has been so sweet to see him and Tractor J
really enjoy playing together - from Laser Tag,
to Cards, to the Wii - they really have fun together.
His two sisters of course think he is the best
and they enjoy making one another laugh.

He played basketball this past winter
and is looking forward to baseball 
season starting this spring.  He
is part of Lego League and loves coding
on his computer.  He still loves to read and
has probably read every book in our home several times.
He enjoys cheering for the Michigan Wolverines
and had an amazing time on the trip to the
University of Michigan with his dad this past fall.

Praising the Lord for Big J!
We love you!

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