Friday, September 14, 2018

Batter Up

We had quite the rainy rained every day and
it was hard to find breaks to make it outside
(and then not to get so muddy!)

But we had a break in the rain this particular evening
and Big J had found a nice long stick to use for batting
the MANY MANY acorns on our driveway.

All the children took a turn seeing how many small
acorns they could hit with the skinny long stick.

And before we were done the rain started again...

We were thankful for the rain, and
now we are so grateful for the beautiful sunshiny
days this week!!

Thursday, September 13, 2018


My sister from North Carolina was in town for a visit.  
I guess I only got a few pictures, but we were excited to have her visit and stay with us.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Before we went on our trip, we made an announcement to the children.
  Excavator Man had a new gift to open from mom and dad....a new shirt....

We had some children who were quite surprised!

After the surprise wore off,
then sheer joy and excitement!

Number SIX on the way!

A few days prior, dad found this this picture in 
a note next to his coffee pot in the morning!

We are so thankful and are praising God our Father 
for another gift and blessing He has given us.

At the date of this post I will be 9 weeks...
so still in the first trimester.  Due date
according to my calculations will be 
April 16th!  
So thankful and all praise and glory to God!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Garden of the God's - Day 4

After going back and eating lunch and resting a little, 
our last stop in Colorado Springs was a walk through the Garden of the God's.

It was warm and the kids were kind of tired
and as they just saw trails they were not sure how
far they wanted to walk.

However, after we came across some places 
they could climb on the rocks...

Their energy came back and they
really enjoyed it.

That ended our trip.  Day 5 we left bright and early
and had an 11 car ride home.
We couldn't have asked for the children do ride better
and we are so thankful for the safe drive home
and the wonderful vacation!  
All thanks to God!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Pike's Peak - Day 4

Day 4 of the trip we head up Pike's Peak.  The kids were not so sure
 about going up to the top of the mountain, but they were excited.  
It was a beautiful sunny morning and we arrived bright and early.

Stopping to check out the scenery 
(and use the restroom) on the way up.

Only part way up and it is starting
to get chilly.

As we were getting near the top 
the clouds were coming in and blowing over.

The picture below has a story behind it.  Excavator Man LOVES excavators.
The entire trip he spotted and pointed out to us every excavator he saw.
And everywhere we went, he had high hopes we would see an excavator.
So as we were heading up Pike's Peak, his goal was the same, "I hope we 
see an excavator at the top of the mountain!"  We all tried
to warn him that he probably would not, but he would not believe us.

We turn the corner at the top of the mountain, and low and behold, not 
just one, but several excavators!  
He is extatic and says to all of us
"I told you there would be an excavator!!!"


It was chilly and very windy and when we arrived, 
cloud covered so we couldn't even see the view.

But thankfully after we used the restroom in the gift shop and came
back out the clouds had passed and we got to see the view.

Another picture on the way back down.

Afterwards we stopped at a penny arcade...
Another excavator and this time he got to ride it.

It was a fun morning and we
were thankful no one, including
mom or dad, got altitude sickness as we 
went up the mountain.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Day 3 - Cave of the Winds

Day 3 - we went to the Cave of the Winds.
The first thing we did was tour a cave.  Apparently
I don't have any pictures from that.

Next the kids got to enjoy the Wind Walker Challenge Course 
They put on climbing gear and hooked up to the course
and had a lot of fun.  Farmer J just made the height requirement to go 
up with his dad.  The Littlest and I enjoyed watching.

Fancy E up high

Tiger Lilly below

Dad and Farmer J

Big J (I think Dad and Farmer J are in this pic also)

The course

They also had a climbing wall

And these green cylinders to climb up

Farmer J was determined to make it to the top and he did

They also had a ride called the Bat-A-Pult-
basically like a zip line that takes you out over the
canyon and then back.  You sat in seats.  All the kids
(except Excavator Man) could ride on.
No good view to get a picture of the ride, but the kids LOVED it
and with no line, they rode it over and over and over again.

Excavator Man below kept asking where his ride was?  
Unfortunately he wasn't tall enough for really anything,
so him and I did a lot of walking around, watching,
and even went back to the vehicle and rested (he watched a video)
for part of the afternoon.

The only thing he could was crawl through this make shift bat cave,
which he did several times with his siblings.

We arrived at 9am and stayed until after 4pm.
The kids did not want to leave.  And despite some off
and on rain showers and some sprinkles here and there, 
we had a great day.
It ended up being most of the kids favorite part of the trip.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Day 2 - Seven Falls

On Day two we  headed to Seven Falls. 
We were shuttled over and got to hike
through a canyon on our way to the waterfall.

 It was beautiful scenery!

The kids pretending to climb.

We made it to the waterfall

We had to climb up over 200 steep stairs to get to the top.
Half way up taking a little break below...

Dad climbed up with his 40 lb son on his back.
It was quite the work out.

At the top.

Back down again...maybe you can see all
the stairs below...
It was actually more nerve racking climbing down
with these five children.  If any one of them
mis-stepped it would have been awful.

Another look out...

On our walk back down the kids really
enjoyed stopping by the creek and throwing rocks into the water.

I loved how the little boys just found a spot
to sit and enjoy the view.

And of course throw rocks

And the big kids loved the challenge of crossing the creek

On our walk back down everyone was
getting tired.  Big brother giving little brother a ride.

And when Big Brother got tired, Daddy
helping to keep little boy moving.
Come on Little Man, you can make it!

It was a fun morning and thankfully we
made it out before it started raining that afternoon.