Sunday, September 2, 2018

Day 3 - Cave of the Winds

Day 3 - we went to the Cave of the Winds.
The first thing we did was tour a cave.  Apparently
I don't have any pictures from that.

Next the kids got to enjoy the Wind Walker Challenge Course 
They put on climbing gear and hooked up to the course
and had a lot of fun.  Farmer J just made the height requirement to go 
up with his dad.  The Littlest and I enjoyed watching.

Fancy E up high

Tiger Lilly below

Dad and Farmer J

Big J (I think Dad and Farmer J are in this pic also)

The course

They also had a climbing wall

And these green cylinders to climb up

Farmer J was determined to make it to the top and he did

They also had a ride called the Bat-A-Pult-
basically like a zip line that takes you out over the
canyon and then back.  You sat in seats.  All the kids
(except Excavator Man) could ride on.
No good view to get a picture of the ride, but the kids LOVED it
and with no line, they rode it over and over and over again.

Excavator Man below kept asking where his ride was?  
Unfortunately he wasn't tall enough for really anything,
so him and I did a lot of walking around, watching,
and even went back to the vehicle and rested (he watched a video)
for part of the afternoon.

The only thing he could was crawl through this make shift bat cave,
which he did several times with his siblings.

We arrived at 9am and stayed until after 4pm.
The kids did not want to leave.  And despite some off
and on rain showers and some sprinkles here and there, 
we had a great day.
It ended up being most of the kids favorite part of the trip.

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