Saturday, September 1, 2018

Day 2 - Seven Falls

On Day two we  headed to Seven Falls. 
We were shuttled over and got to hike
through a canyon on our way to the waterfall.

 It was beautiful scenery!

The kids pretending to climb.

We made it to the waterfall

We had to climb up over 200 steep stairs to get to the top.
Half way up taking a little break below...

Dad climbed up with his 40 lb son on his back.
It was quite the work out.

At the top.

Back down again...maybe you can see all
the stairs below...
It was actually more nerve racking climbing down
with these five children.  If any one of them
mis-stepped it would have been awful.

Another look out...

On our walk back down the kids really
enjoyed stopping by the creek and throwing rocks into the water.

I loved how the little boys just found a spot
to sit and enjoy the view.

And of course throw rocks

And the big kids loved the challenge of crossing the creek

On our walk back down everyone was
getting tired.  Big brother giving little brother a ride.

And when Big Brother got tired, Daddy
helping to keep little boy moving.
Come on Little Man, you can make it!

It was a fun morning and thankfully we
made it out before it started raining that afternoon.

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