Monday, September 10, 2018

Pike's Peak - Day 4

Day 4 of the trip we head up Pike's Peak.  The kids were not so sure
 about going up to the top of the mountain, but they were excited.  
It was a beautiful sunny morning and we arrived bright and early.

Stopping to check out the scenery 
(and use the restroom) on the way up.

Only part way up and it is starting
to get chilly.

As we were getting near the top 
the clouds were coming in and blowing over.

The picture below has a story behind it.  Excavator Man LOVES excavators.
The entire trip he spotted and pointed out to us every excavator he saw.
And everywhere we went, he had high hopes we would see an excavator.
So as we were heading up Pike's Peak, his goal was the same, "I hope we 
see an excavator at the top of the mountain!"  We all tried
to warn him that he probably would not, but he would not believe us.

We turn the corner at the top of the mountain, and low and behold, not 
just one, but several excavators!  
He is extatic and says to all of us
"I told you there would be an excavator!!!"


It was chilly and very windy and when we arrived, 
cloud covered so we couldn't even see the view.

But thankfully after we used the restroom in the gift shop and came
back out the clouds had passed and we got to see the view.

Another picture on the way back down.

Afterwards we stopped at a penny arcade...
Another excavator and this time he got to ride it.

It was a fun morning and we
were thankful no one, including
mom or dad, got altitude sickness as we 
went up the mountain.

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