Thursday, February 28, 2013

Visit to Grammie's - (3)

What else did we do for three days at Grammies?
The girls went grocery shopping in their princess dresses -
this was quite the adventure for them.
The boys drew pictures of their adventures, their creations,
and any other thoughts that came to their minds.
We had a real nice trip and thankfully the weather was wonderful for us to travel in.
Thanks Grammie for a fun time!
Thanks Larry for letting the kids ride on the snowmobile!
Thanks Aunt Fell for helping with the kids and loving on Busy Bee even though she was sick!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Visit to Grammie's - (2)

We left early for Grammie's because of the anticipated snow storm.  It didn't bring as much snow as predicted, but still enough to get outside and play in.  Thankfully the weather was wonderful - good temperature and not windy.
First day in the snow:
The girls did not last as long as the boys did.  The boys went up and down this hill for quite some time and had a great time sledding.
Where were mom and busy bee?  Sitting in the van!  Due to my current condition (35 weeks pregnant - YEA) and Busy Bee not feeling well, we stayed inside.
The second day out in the snow:
Grammie's friend brought out his snowmobile for the kids.  They had great time going on little rides.
Purple Girl could not get enough of the snowmobile! 
She LOVED it!  To quote her "WAHOO" and "VROOM VROOM"! 
They also enjoyed sledding down a big hill behind Grammie's
house that was pushed together by the snowplows.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Visit to Grammie's - (1)

Daddy was out of town, so mom, the kids, Aunt Fell and cousins traveled up to visit Grammie for a few days.  What did we do?
The boys head right for the Lego's and start building something new. 
They can play Lego's for quite sometime together and have loads of fun!
The girls quickly put on their princess dresses and head to the toy room, where Grammie has an indoor "house" for them to play in.  At one point they were rotating being mom and baby. 
To release some energy and get out of the house for a little while, we headed to the local YMCA to run around.  Thankfully this morning we had the gym all to ourselves.
Busy Bee enjoyed the first day, but ended up with a cold and
in someones lap the majority of the trip.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Loving Daddy

These two little girls just adore their daddy. 
When he comes home from work, he is always ready for two girls wanting up for some daddy hugs!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Balloon Girl

Daddy blew up balloons for the kids the other evening.  Busy Bee loved sitting on her balloon. 
She has been quite difficult to get a picture of lately. 
Either I get her saying "cheese" with her eyes closed.
Or if it is no "cheese" then I get the serious face.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Baby Cousin Visiting

Our little girls just ADORE their baby cousin from Nebraska. 
When she visits, they can't get enough of her. 


Monday, February 18, 2013

Another Typical Evening

The Koenig Home:
Purple Girl dancing with her daddy (or her prince as she calls him).
Busy Bee climbing onto the piano bench, opening the piano,
opening a piano book and playing us a song.
Little Man drawing a picture, writing a story or coloring. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Trip to Marengo

The other weekend we took a day trip to Marengo to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.
The kids enjoyed playing cards with Great Grandma.
And finding some fun toys to play with.
These cars that lit up were a hit - all three of the kids had so much fun with them.
Special pictures with Great Grandma!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fun at the Gym

The other morning we went to a local gym to play for an hour with the cousins. 
The kids had so much fun!!
Little Man loved swinging on the rope and jumping into the pit.
Busy Bee enjoyed jumping on the trampoline....
And running as fast as she could into her aunts arms.
After about 45 minutes, Busy Bee ended up in my arms resting nicely in my lap.
Purple Girl LOVED the gym.  She was all over the place, trying every new thing.  And always with her tongue out (as you can see in the pictures below).
At one point she was running down this long trampoline and would go full speed into a somersault.  She just couldn't slow down.  She said now that she is three years old, she knows how to do it all.
Of course if Big Sister could hang on the bars, so could Busy Bee!
Thanks GiGi for this wonderful gift idea.  The kids had so much fun!


Friday, February 15, 2013

Cousins over for Dinner

The other night we were finally able to have these cousins over for dinner.  We have attempted to make dinner plans it seems in the past, and we have had to postpone due to children being sick.
So, we were thankful that we were finally able to make it work.
These two little ladies enjoyed their "seats"
And these two cousins really hit it off in their purple outfits and dancing to music as their dad's played their guitar and drum:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Normal Afternoon

A normal afternoon in our home consist of one little boy playing with his cars:
And two little girls loving on their babies:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Resting Time

After we went outside to play, we came back in for some lunch and then a video. 
We asked for nice smiles and here is what we got:
It just kept getting sillier:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fun at Aunt Kelly's

Aunt Kelly babysat the kids the other morning and they enjoyed more bubble blowing!
Aunt Kelly isn't afraid to let Busy Bee join in the fun too. 
She may have made a little mess, but she loved being part of the group.
Thanks Aunt Kelly for watching the kids and having fun with them.

Outside Time

The weather has been warmer this week - in the 30's and 40's, and with the help of Aunt K-Fell, we were ready to go outside and play.
The foursome nicely posed for this picture at the top of the hill before they ran down.
Where was Busy Bee?  Cuddling in the arms of her Aunt who she loves dearly.
After a little while, the boys were ready to go inside and play with Lego's.  Busy Bee was ready for some lunch.  But Purple Girl and her Cousin stayed outside for over an hour playing.  They had so much fun.  Purple Girl took a nice long nap for mom that afternoon too.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Daddy's Home

Daddy's "home" for the evening and the kids are SO excited.  The girls can't wait to ask their daddy to dance with them and little man is ready for some wrestle time.
Busy Bee discovered that she could climb on top of this tote and was ready to say
"Cheese" for the camera.
Then she enjoyed clapping and dancing on to the music.
More snuggles for daddy and probably the girls asking "Please daddy, please dance with us!"