Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Visit to Grammie's - (1)

Daddy was out of town, so mom, the kids, Aunt Fell and cousins traveled up to visit Grammie for a few days.  What did we do?
The boys head right for the Lego's and start building something new. 
They can play Lego's for quite sometime together and have loads of fun!
The girls quickly put on their princess dresses and head to the toy room, where Grammie has an indoor "house" for them to play in.  At one point they were rotating being mom and baby. 
To release some energy and get out of the house for a little while, we headed to the local YMCA to run around.  Thankfully this morning we had the gym all to ourselves.
Busy Bee enjoyed the first day, but ended up with a cold and
in someones lap the majority of the trip.

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