Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Visit to Grammie's - (2)

We left early for Grammie's because of the anticipated snow storm.  It didn't bring as much snow as predicted, but still enough to get outside and play in.  Thankfully the weather was wonderful - good temperature and not windy.
First day in the snow:
The girls did not last as long as the boys did.  The boys went up and down this hill for quite some time and had a great time sledding.
Where were mom and busy bee?  Sitting in the van!  Due to my current condition (35 weeks pregnant - YEA) and Busy Bee not feeling well, we stayed inside.
The second day out in the snow:
Grammie's friend brought out his snowmobile for the kids.  They had great time going on little rides.
Purple Girl could not get enough of the snowmobile! 
She LOVED it!  To quote her "WAHOO" and "VROOM VROOM"! 
They also enjoyed sledding down a big hill behind Grammie's
house that was pushed together by the snowplows.

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