Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fun at the Gym

The other morning we went to a local gym to play for an hour with the cousins. 
The kids had so much fun!!
Little Man loved swinging on the rope and jumping into the pit.
Busy Bee enjoyed jumping on the trampoline....
And running as fast as she could into her aunts arms.
After about 45 minutes, Busy Bee ended up in my arms resting nicely in my lap.
Purple Girl LOVED the gym.  She was all over the place, trying every new thing.  And always with her tongue out (as you can see in the pictures below).
At one point she was running down this long trampoline and would go full speed into a somersault.  She just couldn't slow down.  She said now that she is three years old, she knows how to do it all.
Of course if Big Sister could hang on the bars, so could Busy Bee!
Thanks GiGi for this wonderful gift idea.  The kids had so much fun!


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