Saturday, February 9, 2013

Special Dinner at Grandpa and Grandma's

Grandma Cheryl had a sweet idea to have the children help her make an anniversary dinner for mom and dad.  She took Little Man over for the afternoon to help her make some food (although I am not sure how much help he was, as his cousin was over and also Grandpa) so he might have been a little distracted.
After nap time she bravely came and picked up the girls to come help her finish the preparations.  Then dad and mom came over for dinner.
I wish you could have seen Purple Girl and the JOY on her face as she was able to serve dinner to her mom and dad.  It was so sweet and really made our nights. 
Both kids excitedly met us at the door and off ran Purple Girl to show us where we were suppose to sit and pulled out the chairs for us.
It wasn't long and she was running back with our drinks - strawberry smoothies - they were quite delicious!
Little Man then brought our first appetizer of pineapple with marshmallows on top.
Where was Busy Bee?  She once again found a lap to sit on and enjoyed some more dinner.
I had to convince Purple Girl to stand still so I could get one picture of her and Big Brother in their serving outfits.  Observe how brave Grandma was - having us sit on the carpet with our two precious kids serving us food.  I think it made Grandpa a little nervous : )
Finally she brought us our main course - Chicken Alfredo and vegetables. 
You just can't imagine how much fun she was having. Although Big Brother and Grandma tried to keep Purple Girl in the kitchen so mom and dad could eat, she couldn't help herself but to come give us both several hugs, ask us what we needed and to quickly carry our plates away the minute we were done.    Grandma said it took her a lot of convincing Purple Girl to not have the table completely set with our food before we arrived.
Finally Purple Girl sat down with Grandma and enjoyed trying on her rings while Daddy and Mommy (and Busy Bee) finished their dinners.
It was a very special evening.  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for setting it up.  Our children are very blessed to have such special Grandparents.

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