Wednesday, March 19, 2014

11 Months Old

Our Little J turned 11 months old on March 6th.
I can't believe how fast this year is going by 
and how much he is growing up.

He is such a fun little boy.
And he is all boy!  He loves to throw everything
he gets his hands.  He enjoys hitting cars, his bat, or
whatever he has in his hands against the wall or floor to 
hear a loud noise.  He grunts and screams and loves
to hear his siblings smile and laugh at him.
His new saying is "uh-o" whenever 
he drops something.  

Little J enjoyed his daddy playing with him the other evening.  

Somehow while we were having lunch the other 
day he got himself under on the chairs.  

He is such a blessing to our home -
We just love him so much!!

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