Friday, March 14, 2014

Trip to South Carolina - The Animals

Although Purple Girl was SO excited to meet her new cousins, if I am honest, I believe she was the most excited to see her Uncle and Aunt's pets.  They have 1 BIG dog (A Newfoundland) and a 2 cats.

Little J was very intrigued by the animals as well. 
He wasn't afraid to get close to Bear (the dog).

The picture above is funny.  After Little J reached Bear, 
who is a very gentle sweet dog, Bear then went to give Little J a "kiss." 
This scared Little J and he started to cry.

One of the days we took a trip to the Dog Park to let Bear
run around. (It was GORGEOUS weather while we were there-
in the 70's every day).

At the Dog Park:

Purple Girl's favorite part 
of being at the dog park was watching
a different dog run up and
jump on her Uncle.  She loved petting all the different dogs.

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of Purple Girl with the kitties.
They are very nice cats, however, not cats for Purple Girl to hold.
She was able to pet them and LOVED constantly walking and
checking on them.  

She is an animal girl and has hopes of having a kitty of her own one day.

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