Friday, March 28, 2014

Seven Years Old!!!

Did I just say SEVEN?  I know it is said the years fly by, and I am yet another mom who can attest to this statement.  I can't believe our Big J is now seven years old.

We are so blessed to have this boy in our family. 
He has such a fun personality that I often find 
myself laughing with him throughout the day.
He is such an encourager to his siblings and truly
does love them all so much.  He continues to be our
bookworm as well as our Lego creator (as he calls himself).

The theme for his birthday this year was 
"Build your house on the ROCK"

He loves playing with his Lego's - so we 
made a Lego cake to go along with the building theme.

His new favorite color is PURPLE (Grammie will love this), 
since we read in history that Kings used to wear purple.

For his birthday we went to a play called Skyzone, 
which is a big indoor tramboline play area.

The girls had fun jumping

As did Big J.  The pictures are a little blurry -
but that orange thing below is Big J trying
to touch the rim on the basketball hoop.

For his birthday his daddy
got him a paint ball gun!

I am sure the boys will have a lot of fun 
with it this year at the land.

We had a nice day celebrating his birthday.
Like all year round, we praise the Lord for him
and the blessing he continues to be to our family.

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