Monday, March 17, 2014

South Carolina - Random

While we were in South Carolina, my dad and his wife were able to come and visit.  
They just live a few hours away in North Carolina.  So, we enjoyed a nice day at the park with them.

Purple Girl enjoyed making some
chocolate chip cookies with Grammie.
She enjoyed eating them too!

See the picture above and Pepsi - my mom 
is a Pepsi drinker and has given Purple Girl
random sips here and there.  (very small sips).
So, now whenever Purple Girl sees a Pepsi machine
she will ask "Mom, can we grab a Pepsi? I am thirsty"

Finally, we went grocery shopping with my sister to make
her some meals she could freeze.

(I am sure she appreciates me putting this picture on the blog)!
But she is a FUN aunt and our children love her so much.
We were blessed to go visit and hope they can come to Iowa soon.
We miss them already!

We once again want to give all glory to God
for a safe trip.  All our connections were on time with
no complications flying and my family back at home 
were kept safe and healthy while we were gone.
We know our Lord once again provided for us
and watched over us!

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