Monday, May 5, 2014

Baby Dolls

When I was a little girl I used to "collect" baby dolls.  I loved playing with them and it seemed at every Christmas and Birthday I would receive a new one.  They were very special to me as a little girl - I loved playing house and taking care of my baby's.  It is fun now to see my girls wanting to do the same.  I recently pulled out from storage one of my favorite dolls - her name was Amy! 

Purple Girl was SO excited to see that I had a baby doll too.  She wants to make sure I am taking good care of her. The other night Purple Girl was already in bed and then came out to make sure I didn't forget to take baby Amy to bed with me. I said she might sleep downstairs and she said "No, she will cry" so I put a cradle in my room so baby Amy would be by me and Purple Girl would feel happy.

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