Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Such a Lady

Our Purple Girl loves to be a little lady.  The other day she got to go out to the Land with her daddy and big brother.  She loves going to the land and loves all the activities - riding on the tractor with daddy as he mows, riding the 4-wheeler really FAST, and the freedom of being outside.  However, it took quite a bit of convincing that she needed to wear this outfit instead of the skirt or dress she wanted to wear.

She kept telling me she doesn't like "BOY" colors or "BOY" clothes.  
The pink overalls she used to have she has out grown.  These
overalls are Big Brother's old ones that he has out grown.
Oh my, it was difficult for her to wear these. 
The only thing that got her through was me telling her she could
put a dress on the minute she got home.  And that she did. 
She walked in the door and took these off immediately 
to put on a much fancier, girl outfit!

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