Friday, August 29, 2014

Family Trip

To celebrate Grandpa and Grandma's anniversary this summer ,we took a family trip to resort with Grandpa, Grandma, and all the Uncle's/Aunt's and cousins.  It turned out to be a really nice place and a fun weekend.

Little J was Grandpa's buddy most of the weekend.  He loves his Grandpa so much, it is sweet to watch.

They had horses.  One of the highlights for the 
children were petting and feeding the horses.

Grandma decided to take the 
children o ponies rides. 

They were so excited and really enjoyed the ride.

We lined the cousins up oldest (BIG J)
to youngest.  The picture below kind of shows them all.

On Saturday daddy adn the two oldest spent close to 6 hours 
at the pool.  After naps, the two youngest and I went to the pool
as well.  

Little J loves the weather.

He had no fear about jumping into daddy.

Big J loved the water and loved swimming all day.

The big kids went down the big
slides with daddy too.

Purple Girl loved the water as well.  However, 
I think she first and foremost fell in love with the horses.
She was ready to load one up and take it home.

We had a real nice time and are thankful to God
for safe travels, good weather and fun times.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Insect Museum

 A few weeks ago we went on a field trip to a near by Insect Museum.  The children really enjoyed our "teacher" and all the insects (and other animals) they got to see and even hold.

Here was the group that went.

Here are the older children making their silly faces!

Little J jumped right in and enjoyed touching this cockroach.

Two of the rules were:
1) No eating the bugs.
2) No squishing the bugs.

So, since we couldn't trust JJ on either -
especially number 2, he wasn't able to 
participate as much as he would have liked to.

Big Brother held onto it:

Purple Girl wasn't afraid to touch 
most of the creatures either.

The kids were even brave enough to touch the tarantula.

Little J touched the tarantula as well.

What was mom doing while the older children
were listening to the speaker and holding onto
the insects/creatures?

Yup, this was me the majority of the time!

Just the most blessed mama in
the whole world!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Shoes

Grammie got Purple Girl some new HIGH heel shoes for her birthday.  Of course they sparkle and are high, so Purple Girl loves them.  This means that Busy Bee inherited Purple Girl's old "high" heel shoes.  The girls have been enjoying wearing them around the house.  Purple Girl's new shoes are a little too high for her to wear any where but home.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bike Ride

The boys went on a bike ride together on Saturday morning.
They biked just over 10 miles.  Little J had fun riding behind daddy
and by the end daddy said he felt his head bobbing up and down...he had fallen asleep.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Busy Bee had a haircut recently.  She didn't want to go and once we got there she was determined not to get into the chair.  It took some convincing, but I finally got her to sit.  Big Sister came along and held onto Busy Bee's hand the entire time which I believe made Busy Bee feel much better.  It was so sweet.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Love for Grandpa

The last few times Grandpa has come over Little J has went straight to him and cuddled into his arms.  It is so very sweet and I do believe Grandpa enjoys it.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day at the Zoo

While our visitors were here last week and for Purple Girl's birthday we went to the zoo here in town.  Although it was warm and we had 8 children under the age of 7, we had a good time.  Of course we did have five adults...why did we feel SO outnumber??  Smiles:) 

Grammie with all the grandkids...

Little J did enjoy feeding the goats. 
It was funny to watch him put the food 
in his hands and then get excited when the 
goat grabbed it from him.  He was having fun
until a bigger black goat came up...he 
backed away, looked at the goat and started 
throwing the feed at him.

This cousin sure loves Little J.
He watches out for him and is such a
good buddy to him.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Visitors from the East

We were blessed to have a lot of company in our home this past week.  My sister, her nanny and her two babies (both under the age of 1), were here for a week.  My mom also came and of course my sister who lives in town and her family were here often too.  So, we had quite the full house.  

Purple Girl came with me to pick our guests up at the airport. 
 She was excited to run up and hug her aunt.

Little J LOVED his little cousins.  He had so much 
fun playing with them.  He especially loved playing with
Cousin CM and even learned some new tricks from her.

He enjoyed making this little guy smile
and was trying to "rock" him in his seat.
Aunt M didn't think this looked safe.

Busy Bee also enjoyed her cousins.

Purple Girl enjoyed dancing with her Aunt.

It was sad when we had to take 
them to the airport and say good-bye.

We already miss them and know
they will change so much by the next
time we see them.

Thanks for making the trip! 
We loved having you all here.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Haircut

For those who haven't seen, Little J got a new hair cut.  He looks so much older now and absolutely adorable.  Mom was so sad to see his little curls go away, because I know daddy will never let them come back.  But since he looks so cute, it has made it easier on mom!