Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pictures of an 16 Month Old

I attempted to take some pictures of Little J!  
I forget that this is always interesting.  

Here is how it went.

I got one cute shot of him telling me "SO BIG!!"

Then we heard a lawn mower.  
Oh my...we can't even keep our mouth
closed, we are SO excited.

We went running so we
could see the lawn mower better.

Now that we can see it,
we are standing and enjoying it.

We are SO excited...
we LOVE lawn mowers.

Lawn mower left, now we 
decide to run away from mom.

It is extrememly funny to have
your mom chasing after you with a 
camera in her hands.  How fast can I go?

So, that was the end of that. 

I think you all get the point.

He is getting BIG.
He likes noise and
loves lawn mowers.
He thinks giving his mom
a hard time is fun!

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