Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of School

Today was our first day of school.  
The children were excited overall and for our first day, I think it went well.  

We started the day attempting to get some first day of school pictures.  

Mom and all the children in the school room.

My class this year!!!  

Big J....

Purple Girl:

Busy Bee:

For the first day of school I had a fish theme.  We are 
studying swimming creatures this year for science, so it seemed to fit.

I had made a board with their names
by different fish and had written our school of fish.
Then throughout the day they have been 
"going fishing" for different prizes.

We had an octopus for snack:

And "Fish" Sandwiches for lunch:

Just a side note for those who might be reading
this and think she has it all together!  I don't and although 
all the pictures above show their beautiful smiles and overall
we did have a fine first day, it certainly had it challenges and its tears.
I just prefer to only post the positive, but I don't
want to discourage others into thinking that we are not normal.  
We children cry, throw fits and have good moments and bad.

I am thankful for our first day,
thankful for the opportunity to be at home with these
children and thankful for the Lord's amazing GRACE and PATIENCE
with me.  I know this school year will bring it's ups and downs, 
it successes and trials and it's smiles and tears...
I am hopeful I will look to the Lord in them all! 

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