Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas "Day" Celebration

Since Christmas Day was on a Sunday and we look forward to going to church in the morning, we did our Christmas Day activities on Christmas Eve.  It worked out well and we enjoyed a day at home together as a family.

Two little ladies up quite early waiting for the activities to begin.

We started off with a scavenger hunt to 
find Baby Jesus and also a 
missing ornament for our tree.

Then we opened out stockings.

After breakfast we opened gifts.
Lot of excitement for new Michigan clothes. 

This girl was quite
excited about her new Michigan dress.

Puppy J was happy to receive 
this barking puppy.

The rest of the day we just worked on
activities we received as Christmas gifts.

Like a Fairy Princess Garden...

A new model car...

Cuddled up and read new books we received...

We had a very nice Christmas "Day"
So thankful for our Lord's birth and 
such a wonderful reason to celebrate!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Eve Celebration

Playing a new board game

HuHot Style Dinner

Ready to open one gift before bed

New Pajamas

Thursday, December 22, 2016

First Snow

It was a very wet snow, and not very much,
but the kids still enjoyed trying to make a snowman.

But then this guy usually ran and knocked
down any attempt the kids made at making one.

So once the four youngest came inside
for hot chocolate, Big J stayed outside and 
made a snowman.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trip to Grammie's

While daddy was in Texas, the kids and I went
to Grammie's for a week.

These girls were up VERY early the morning
we planned to leave.  They were quite
excited to go.

This guy loved carrying anything
on top of his "car." Of course the bigger
the better.

Big J enjoyed reading the library books
we checked out.

So sweet! He loved this big bear.

Playing Grammie's I-Pad is always fun.

And my favorite - going out for ice cream.  
There is a small town ice cream shop where
my mom lives - yummy!!

We went to the local YMCA each
day to release energy.

A little posing in this picture.

We had a nice trip and the kids were sad to leave.
Thanks Grammie for having us!