Saturday, December 17, 2016

Kids Christmas Pictures

It is that time of year again, when I attempt to take pictures of the children by the Christmas tree.
I smile as I write this - because before I begin, I always seem to have high expectation that I will come out with the "perfect" picture of all five children looking sweetly at the camera with their eyes open and their smiles perfect.  Ha!  When will I learn!

These few turned out nice...maybe not perfect...but five children all 
looking at the camera, eyes open, and sitting still!

And what did I learn again this year?

The pictures that gave my heart the most joy were not 
pictures with perfect smiles, but instead....

This one - with two little boys sticking their tongues out and being silly...

Or this one when baby brother is about ready to 
throw this gift he was suppose to be holding sweetly...

And I love this one - no perfect "smile" but 
sweetness as little sister adores big sister...

And this one - more tongues and giggles...

And baby brother being quite goofy as Big Brother's 
lean in for hugs...

So, in the end - I did not need a "perfect" picture
because these pictures are perfect to me -
bringing me joy and smiles to my heart
for years to come I am sure.

Love these children!

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