Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trip to Grammie's

While daddy was in Texas, the kids and I went
to Grammie's for a week.

These girls were up VERY early the morning
we planned to leave.  They were quite
excited to go.

This guy loved carrying anything
on top of his "car." Of course the bigger
the better.

Big J enjoyed reading the library books
we checked out.

So sweet! He loved this big bear.

Playing Grammie's I-Pad is always fun.

And my favorite - going out for ice cream.  
There is a small town ice cream shop where
my mom lives - yummy!!

We went to the local YMCA each
day to release energy.

A little posing in this picture.

We had a nice trip and the kids were sad to leave.
Thanks Grammie for having us!

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