Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas "Day" Celebration

Since Christmas Day was on a Sunday and we look forward to going to church in the morning, we did our Christmas Day activities on Christmas Eve.  It worked out well and we enjoyed a day at home together as a family.

Two little ladies up quite early waiting for the activities to begin.

We started off with a scavenger hunt to 
find Baby Jesus and also a 
missing ornament for our tree.

Then we opened out stockings.

After breakfast we opened gifts.
Lot of excitement for new Michigan clothes. 

This girl was quite
excited about her new Michigan dress.

Puppy J was happy to receive 
this barking puppy.

The rest of the day we just worked on
activities we received as Christmas gifts.

Like a Fairy Princess Garden...

A new model car...

Cuddled up and read new books we received...

We had a very nice Christmas "Day"
So thankful for our Lord's birth and 
such a wonderful reason to celebrate!

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