Thursday, December 15, 2016

Daddy's Home

Dad had been gone for TWO weeks in Texas for a Farm Show.  
He arrived home yesterday and needless to say, we were all very excited!

Waiting for daddy to come down the stairs at the airport.

Of course all the children were very excited,
but I focused my camera on this little guy
who had missed his daddy GREATLY and
was beyond excited for his return.

Not sure if you can tell by the picture, but
when he saw his daddy, he was jumping
up and down.

And that is why this blurry picture
below is special to me - so much excitement
and jumping!

All the other children ran up to him and Little Puppy
stood still for a minute trying to take in what
was happening. Then all of the sudden,
he yells joyfully "DADDY DADDY" and
runs to him as well.

Farmer J could not wait to see his daddy
and remind him that he gets to ride on 
his suitcase on the way out of the airport.

Daddy didn't not have enough hands to hold
all the children who wanted his love when he arrived.

So thankful for his safe travels and for
him being home.  The Lord certainly watched
over us all while we were apart and for that once
again - we PRAISE HIM!

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