Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Little J enjoyed a small birthday party yesterday with his siblings, mom, dad and Grandpa and Grandma.  Today we head up north to celebrate with Grammie and cousin Fell's!

The children each found "treasures" around the home
and wrapped them up for Little J.  Little J didn't know
what to do with the gifts, so he handed them 
back to his siblings and they got to open them.
However, once opened he was excited about his new treasure.
He is holding a toothbrush that Purple Girl gave him - 
he loved swinging it around
(FYI - that was a new brush - not used!)

Grandpa and Grandma got Little J a new chair.

Most of the day Little J just walked around
our home carrying this ball, throwing it and chasing it after it
and walking around with it some more.
He LOVES balls.

Then it was cake time. 
He was all smiles and BIG eyed while we 
sang to him.

Then we all waited to see what he would do with the cake.
He just stared, smiled and wondered.

But once daddy gave him a little tasted,
he was all about it.

Happy, Happy Birthday Little Guy!

You are so very loved!

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