Monday, April 14, 2014

Visit to Grammie's - Celebrating Little J's Birthday

We also enjoyed celebrating Little J's birthday at Grammie's.  

What birthday party doesn't have a cake?  
Of course the older children loved celebrating his birthday two times.

Little J enjoyed it too.  It didn't take him long this
time to take a bite out of his cake.

Then presents.

He received a book from his uncle and started 
reading it right away :) 

He received a ball from his cousins
and of course couldn't wait to throw it.

He received another book and a teddy bear from
Grammie.  It is so sweet to see him hug his little bear.

We had a wonderful trip to Grammie's and even 
had some tears from the children when we
told them we had to go home.
Thanks Grammie for a great time and
fun memories made!

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