Aunt Fell was out of town with her daughter for the week visiting
our sister in South Carolina. So, we were blessed to have her son, my nephew,
come to our house during the day for three days last week.
These two boys had SO much fun together.
It was sad for them when the week was over.
Big J kept telling me how he wished
Cousin J was his brother so he would
never have to leave and be with him all the time.
Cousin J LOVES Little J and was so helpful to me with him.
He would follow Little J around and keep an eye on him for me.
He also helped feed him and even attempted changing a dirty diaper.

Little J loved taking his cousin's shoes and carrying them around this house. He liked the Cousin J would follow him around to see where he might drop his shoes.
It was a blessing having this guy in our home.
He was so well behaved...his parents
truly are doing a wonderful job with him.
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