Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bedtime Snuggles

I have really been enjoying my bedtime routine
with this little guy.

If time allows, I enjoy watching him play in
his room before we put his PJ's on.  With five children and
the normal duties of the day, it is special for me to have
a few minutes to just watch him play.

Then we put on his PJ's and read a book.

Finally, he picks out one or two stuffed animals
to snuggle and rock with.

Love this guy so much!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Our Tractor Man

This guy loves to ride this tractor around our driveway.

It was my dad's when he was a little kid.

He loves to ride it, but he often asks
"where is my trailer?  farmers need trailers."

Friday, July 29, 2016


More fun at a local park.

One of us was being quite silly.

And then refused to look at 
the camera.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Daddy's HOME!

Daddy was gone for a week and we missed him.  
Not only was he gone for a week, but he was out of the country as well, 
so there was a lot of excitement when we went to the airport to pick him up.

We made signs.

I actually timed it pretty well this time,
and we only had to wait 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops
for daddy to come.  But, for a few of the kids, this still
seemed like a long time.

It was sweet to see the faces of other people as they walked by.
One man even commented to our children how "lucky their father is."

ALL SMILES as they see daddy coming.

(notice the baby in the stroller with his snack, all he could think 
about was "I eat, I want a snack" - this kid has food
on his mind 90% of the time)

Purple Girl rushed in for the first hug - she 
could NOT wait.

Showing daddy their signs.

These two ladies loved being able to 
hold their daddy's hand in the airport.
So happy to have him home.

And Little J was excited to have his 
special ride on the way out.

I got a hug and kiss too!

We are praising our Lord and Savior
for keeping us all safe this week while 
we were apart and so thankful to all
be home together again.

Blessed...yup, I am blessed!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 6

Playing Peek-A-Boo in Grammie's play room.

Loving this BIG stuffed bear.

All smiles in the mornings.

Little J was up early before everyone else
and usually the last one to fall asleep at night
(thankfully he did nap during the day).

By the last morning we had to actually get up early
so we could get on the road and be home in time
to pick up daddy from the airport.

Of course, he was out like a light on the 
last morning and I had to wake him up.
We finally wore him out!

We had a wonderful week at my mom's.

The kids were really good and it made
the week fly by as daddy was gone
and we were missing him.

Thanks Grammie for all the fun
and all the wonderful memories made.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 5

Two of the days we ended up at the pool.

The kids had a blast swimming.

Grammie's pool has diving boards.  
This was Purple's Girl first time off a diving
board. She did a great job.

Big J started on the lowing diving board. 
He quickly moved to the higher one and LOVED IT!

He basically spent his entire time on the boards.

This guy was trying to throw water at me
while I was taking his picture.

Lots of fun at the pool!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 4

We always enjoy going for a hike up to the tower
at the state park near Grammie's home.

Picture from above waving
down at those below.

All the other children were wiped most evenings
and ready for bed.  This guy had a harder time falling asleep,
so he received a few extra snuggles and stories to help
calm him down for bed. (I don't think Grammie minded 
the extra snuggles either)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 3

We walked to a nearby Tennis court.

Little J pulled this wagon all by himself the entire way
there, up a big hill.  

Busy Bee enjoyed riding scooters with
her baby brother.  He actually can scoot around
quite well for his age.

(once again, happy for the helmet :) 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 2

Baby J sat with Grammie once
he finally snuck this toy computer 
away from his older siblings.

We took a lot of walks, one which included a 
walk to the Ice Cream Shop.

We all GREATLY enjoyed an ice cream cone.

He is taking a bite of mom's cone.

Grammie read several stories to the kids
before bed.  

And one of us tried to climb on top of
all Grammie's table.  I was cleaning up one evening
and he snuck up on this table, I heard him
saying "I dance, I dance..." 
I turned around and yup, he was
"dancing" on top of this table.

(Side Note - due to instances like the above, we 
thankful he still has his helmet on.  I did get him down safely,
but he is a busy little boy)