Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy 4th!

We hope you all had a very nice 4th of July weekend.

We spent the morning of the 4th home together as family.
I decided to put together a little carnival for the kids to enjoy.

Like any good mom in the 21st century,
I made my children sit for a picture before I
would let the carnival begin.

 Then the games began.

The Penny Toss....

Ball Toss into Rings in the Pool...

Although Baby J was confined to the wagon due 
to interfering with games, he still got 
to participate and enjoyed his ride between turns.

Throw a Dart at Balloons Game...
(this was a favorite :) 

Football toss...

Once again Baby J had fun taking a turn...

Bow and Arrow...


We ended the carnival/games with a few
relay races.

Then we let the little kids have a head
start against big brother in a race up the hill.
They thought this was quite fun.

Finally they got to enjoy all their prizes and treats!

After naptime, we went on a 20 mile bike ride
with friends.  Big J and Purple Girl did an awesome 
job biking this far.  

It was a nice day!

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