Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 2

Baby J sat with Grammie once
he finally snuck this toy computer 
away from his older siblings.

We took a lot of walks, one which included a 
walk to the Ice Cream Shop.

We all GREATLY enjoyed an ice cream cone.

He is taking a bite of mom's cone.

Grammie read several stories to the kids
before bed.  

And one of us tried to climb on top of
all Grammie's table.  I was cleaning up one evening
and he snuck up on this table, I heard him
saying "I dance, I dance..." 
I turned around and yup, he was
"dancing" on top of this table.

(Side Note - due to instances like the above, we 
thankful he still has his helmet on.  I did get him down safely,
but he is a busy little boy)

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