Sunday, July 17, 2016

Happy Birthday

Our V turns FIVE years old today!  FIVE!  WoW!

She is still our lady who loves animals, especially
tigers and snakes.  She plans to be a mom and zookeeper when
she grows up.

She is so excited to start school.  She actually
told me for her birthday she wants to do school with me.

She is enjoying riding her bike, going swimming,
and riding her scooter this summer.

She is my barefoot girl, who would rather chance
stepping on a bee and getting stung again (yes,
this happened to her this summer) than to put shoes on.

We love this little lady so much
and enjoy all the big bear hugs we
receive from her.  Our family is so very
blessed that five short years ago,
the doctor announced,
"It is a GIRL!!"

Love you V!

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