Thursday, July 28, 2016

Daddy's HOME!

Daddy was gone for a week and we missed him.  
Not only was he gone for a week, but he was out of the country as well, 
so there was a lot of excitement when we went to the airport to pick him up.

We made signs.

I actually timed it pretty well this time,
and we only had to wait 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops
for daddy to come.  But, for a few of the kids, this still
seemed like a long time.

It was sweet to see the faces of other people as they walked by.
One man even commented to our children how "lucky their father is."

ALL SMILES as they see daddy coming.

(notice the baby in the stroller with his snack, all he could think 
about was "I eat, I want a snack" - this kid has food
on his mind 90% of the time)

Purple Girl rushed in for the first hug - she 
could NOT wait.

Showing daddy their signs.

These two ladies loved being able to 
hold their daddy's hand in the airport.
So happy to have him home.

And Little J was excited to have his 
special ride on the way out.

I got a hug and kiss too!

We are praising our Lord and Savior
for keeping us all safe this week while 
we were apart and so thankful to all
be home together again.

Blessed...yup, I am blessed!

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