Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trip to Grammie's - Post 6

Playing Peek-A-Boo in Grammie's play room.

Loving this BIG stuffed bear.

All smiles in the mornings.

Little J was up early before everyone else
and usually the last one to fall asleep at night
(thankfully he did nap during the day).

By the last morning we had to actually get up early
so we could get on the road and be home in time
to pick up daddy from the airport.

Of course, he was out like a light on the 
last morning and I had to wake him up.
We finally wore him out!

We had a wonderful week at my mom's.

The kids were really good and it made
the week fly by as daddy was gone
and we were missing him.

Thanks Grammie for all the fun
and all the wonderful memories made.

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