Sunday, March 31, 2013

Six Years Old

Our Little Man turned six years old on March 27th!  We can't  believe how fast
these past six years have gone.  We love this Little Man so much and find so much
joy in watching him grow.  He is such a fun loving guy, who is wonderful with his
two little sisters and great at encouraging them and others.  He loves to read, build and play
with his Lego's, and draw pictures.  He also loves spending time at the land with his
daddy.  We praise the Lord for blessing us with him and allowing us to have six
years with him. 
For his birthday, mom and dad took him on a special night out for dinner.
We first went to his favorite restaurant - HuHot!
We then went out for ice cream....Little Man loved being able to choose
his ice cream flavor and then put gummy bears, M'n'M's and sprinkles on top.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Bunk Beds

With the new baby coming, we decided to purchase Little Man bunk beds for his room.
As it turns out, Purple Girl really enjoys sleeping in by her big brother (because his room isn't as dark
as the girls room where Busy Bee sleeps....and Purple Girl does not like the dark).
So, the two of them have really enjoyed sharing the new bed together.
It has already been a boat, a castle and a jungle gym for Purple Girl.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fashion Designer?

This little lady loves to dress herself and pick out her own outfits.
The other day she picked out this complete outfit and was very
confident that it all went together.
If you can't tell by the picture, she has on:
1) A white dress with purple and yellow stripes
2) A purple skirt that she pulls over the dress
3) Navy blue leggings
4) Pink, black and white socks
5) Her new Mickey Mouse shoes (black, white and red)
Not quite sure this outfit went together, but she enjoyed wearing it!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tape and Cardboard

As the girls enjoyed playing house one afternoon, I put Little Man on a mission to build roads and a town with tape an cardboard (thanks for the idea from another friend).  He actually enjoyed building more than playing with it, but either way, it was a good indoor activity as we wait for warmer weather.
This particular afternoon I was quite busy in the kitchen preparing not only dinner, but also making some meals to put in the freezer.  My precious son almost brought me to tears (not trying to be naughty, but just by using his creativity without asking mom first).  All the children were playing so nicely that I got caught up in my work, that when I finally looked into the family room I saw Little Man and RED!!!!!!!  Yes, RED marker coloring the tape on the floor and cardboard.  As I felt tears coming to my eyes thinking "oh my, what has he done to our carpet" I tried to calmly say "Little Man, please put the marker down."  I didn't know if he had grabbed a pen, a permanent marker, a dry erase marker or a washable marker!  Praise the Lord, it was a washable marker and daddy had no problem getting it out of the carpet.  But, it certainly was one of those mom moments that takes your breath away.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Loving their baby dolls!

These two little girls just LOVE their baby dolls (and to dress up).
On this particular day, one had their baby on their back and the other in her stroller (sleeping).
However, the next thing I knew, Purple Girl's baby went from in the stroller
sleeping, to in her belly not born yet.  After the baby was born, back into the stroller she went.


Busy Bee was excited for lunch, so she happily sat in her high chair holding her baby like
this for quite some time as she waited to eat.

I am glad the girls enjoy playing with their babies
and pretending to be mommy's.
I know this little one inside of me will be well loved by his
or her older sisters.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Out of the play room today....

I never know what the children might come dressed up as out of the playroom. 
Today Busy Bee came out with this on:
I got the picture above before she gave me her smile and cheese shot below.
Big Brother then started asking her to make faces.  I think this was her piggy face for Big Brother.  She is our little entertainer.

Friday, March 22, 2013

After Bath Girls

The girls looked so cute in their robes after bathtime on Sunday, so we needed a picture.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


While Grammie was down during her spring break for a visit, the weather was nice enough to get outside and play.  Purple Girl loves riding her scooter around the cul de sac.  At first Grammie was following Purple Girl as she rode around.  The next thing I knew, Grammie had found a scooter in the garage to ride with her.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Field Trip - Fire Station

Last week we went with a group of friends on a field trip to a local fire station. 
The kids enjoyed going inside a fire truck and ambulance. 
Grammie was visited during her Springbreak, so she was able go along with us. 
 Purple Girl would not go in either vehicle without Grammie walking with her.

They also enjoyed trying on the fireman's helmet.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Girls Night Out

A few weeks ago Purple Girl and I went out for a girls night out. 
We first went out for a special treat (one of mom and Purple Girl's favorites):
Then we went to a Show Choir concert a the local High School to watch one of friend's daughter. To Purple Girl, all the dancers were Princesses!  She really enjoyed the show.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday Party

Cousins over to celebrate:
After all the kids pinned an eye on the Ant - this is how our board looked.  Not too bad....
Singing Happy Birthday to Little Man...
The Family
Happy early 6th Birthday Little Man!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Early Birthday Celebration

Little Man turns six the end of this month (March 27th).  Due to the baby coming, we decided to have an early party (just in case baby would come before due date April 2nd). 
Aunt K-Fell came over and helped (or basically made) the birthday cake for Little Man. 
His birthday verse is: 
Go to the ant, O sluggard;
consider her ways, and be wise.  Proverbs 6:6
His theme was:  BE DILIGENT
Aunt K-Fell did an awesome job!  Grammie helped some too - Thanks!
One of the games we played at the party was "Pin the eye on the Ant." 
Daddy is quite the artist - so he drew the ant below for Little Man's party!

Stay tuned for more birthday party pictures.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Movie Watchers

The cousins were over the other day and watching a movie.  Purple girl started off on a different sofa than the boys.  The boys started off on opposite ends of the sofa they were sharing.  The movie got a little "intense" and when I went back into the room this is what I saw
(keep in mind, Little Man never moved).
They enjoyed watching the rest of the movie nice and close to one another.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

More Snow....

It is March and we are still getting snow. 
We only got a few inches, but our ground was nicely covered in white again. 
The kids enjoyed watching daddy shovel out the front window.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The other night we went swimming at local hotel where the kid's GiGi is staying currently.
The pool ended up being quite cold (I did not discover this by being in the water).  The kids went swimming a few weeks ago with Grandma and Grandpa at the pool and had a blast.  This time, however, since the water was a little colder, they only lasted in the pool for a short time.
Busy Bee tried the water a couple times, as she really wanted to go in.  But, in the end, she ended up snuggled next to grandma or sitting on the side with her feet in.
The kids cousins and dad came along too and I would have had a nice picture of everyone in the hot tub (where they spent more time), if the battery on my camera wouldn't have died.
After the pool excitement, they loved going back to GiGi's room and enjoying all the treats she always has for them.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Science Center

We were blessed to go to the Science Center with cousins and friends the other day!
Seven kids and a dinosaur -
One boy digging for dinosaur bones-
One girl digging for bones -
Three boys - best friends - enjoying looking at a snapping turtle -
One Little girl LOVING on this new, precious baby and helping her mommy feed her-
Two busy girls finding water and making quite the mess -
One tired mom ready for nap when she got home!  (No picture needed)!
It truly was a fun morning.  The kids were wonderful and had so much fun!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Picture with Mom

Not too often does mom get a picture with the kids!
Although multiple pictures were snapped, this was the only one in which all
three were standing still in the picture.  I will leave it up to your guessing who kept
jumping out of the photo and twirling around? : )

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Loving Babies!

We were blessed to have special friends over the other night for dinner.  They have three wonderful little girls, the youngest just being born the end of October. 
Both Busy Bee and Purple Girl LOVE LOVE LOVE babies! 
This evening Busy Bee could not even finish her dinner (which for those of you who know her, is usually a high priority), because this little baby was laying on the floor
and she kept asking to "see baby."
Once again, Busy Bee saying cheese with her eyes closed! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

What can you turn a race track into?

The kids were playing with a race track they received from Grandpa Ron for Christmas. 
Once they were done racing the cars, they decided the track would be fun to wear
around their heads and necks and be a trophy!
The creativity of young minds!
Busy Bee just loves to jump into pictures whenever the camera is out - she will say "Cheese" and then once the picture is taken, she runs to the camera and says "let me see!"

Thursday, March 7, 2013


These two little girls are enjoying playing together more and more each day!  This particular day they had turned the chairs into cars and were driving to the store together.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Loving Daddy

This little girl adores her daddy.  She loves to run and play with him, but she will also calmly sit and rest with him too.  The other night they laid together on the floor, while daddy rubbed her hair and sang to her.  Daddy, of course, loves it!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

35 Weeks

I thought I would post a picture of me at 35 weeks pregnant (about one week ago).  We are so excited to meet this little one and find out if God has blessed us with another boy or girl.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


This Little Man is always full of ideas and things he wants to create.  The other day it was a homemade volcano.  So, with daddy helps he built one.
He even got to watch it "erupt."
While daddy was building a volcano with Little Man, the girls enjoyed playing with Play Dough.
Daddy made some glasses for Purple Girl to wear.
Since Purple Girl had something on her face, Busy Bee wanted something too. 
Busy Bee is our "eater."  She is not afraid to try anything.  She has eaten sand and dirt and attempted to eat rocks and anything else that comes into her hands.  So, why not Play Dough.  She didn't like it - but this didn't stop from going back for bite number 2 and 3. 
Little Man of course had to create something to wear also.