Sunday, March 31, 2013

Six Years Old

Our Little Man turned six years old on March 27th!  We can't  believe how fast
these past six years have gone.  We love this Little Man so much and find so much
joy in watching him grow.  He is such a fun loving guy, who is wonderful with his
two little sisters and great at encouraging them and others.  He loves to read, build and play
with his Lego's, and draw pictures.  He also loves spending time at the land with his
daddy.  We praise the Lord for blessing us with him and allowing us to have six
years with him. 
For his birthday, mom and dad took him on a special night out for dinner.
We first went to his favorite restaurant - HuHot!
We then went out for ice cream....Little Man loved being able to choose
his ice cream flavor and then put gummy bears, M'n'M's and sprinkles on top.


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