Friday, March 1, 2013

Three Children - Three Blessings!

Someone recently asked me about our children's personalities and if they are the same or different.  It made me think and these thoughts came to mind.
When reading a book to each our children at year and half:
Jakin:  He would sit on our laps and let us read as many books as we wanted, without barely making a noise.
Eliana:  She would not (or maybe could not) sit for longer than five seconds, and would be off and running before we even got the book open.  I remember Nathan and I looking at each other thinking, "when will she ever sit with us?"  It probably wasn't until she neared three years old that we were able to finally complete a book with her
(now she loves to sit and listen).
Aveyah:  She will gladly come, sit and read a book with you.  However, it is hard to get through the story, because she is asking questions the whole time "What is this?" or talking to you about the story.  She is our talker! 
It has also been neat to see how each our children seem to have different love languages:
Jakin:  Words of affirmation  - it is wonderful to see his face light up when we praise him.
Eliana:  Physical Touch - she may be the hardest to get a hug from sometimes, but she wants to be near us, touching us in some way and just plain loves to be tickled!
Aveyah:  Quality Time!  This girl wants to be with us and wants our attention.  I hear several times throughout the day "Look at this mom" or "Sit mom" as she points to an activity to wants me to do with her.
I love how God made all of children different, with unique personalities and interests. It is fun to watch them grow and change.  Our prayer is that they would use their gifts for God's glory one day!

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