Sunday, March 17, 2013

Early Birthday Celebration

Little Man turns six the end of this month (March 27th).  Due to the baby coming, we decided to have an early party (just in case baby would come before due date April 2nd). 
Aunt K-Fell came over and helped (or basically made) the birthday cake for Little Man. 
His birthday verse is: 
Go to the ant, O sluggard;
consider her ways, and be wise.  Proverbs 6:6
His theme was:  BE DILIGENT
Aunt K-Fell did an awesome job!  Grammie helped some too - Thanks!
One of the games we played at the party was "Pin the eye on the Ant." 
Daddy is quite the artist - so he drew the ant below for Little Man's party!

Stay tuned for more birthday party pictures.

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