Saturday, March 2, 2013


This Little Man is always full of ideas and things he wants to create.  The other day it was a homemade volcano.  So, with daddy helps he built one.
He even got to watch it "erupt."
While daddy was building a volcano with Little Man, the girls enjoyed playing with Play Dough.
Daddy made some glasses for Purple Girl to wear.
Since Purple Girl had something on her face, Busy Bee wanted something too. 
Busy Bee is our "eater."  She is not afraid to try anything.  She has eaten sand and dirt and attempted to eat rocks and anything else that comes into her hands.  So, why not Play Dough.  She didn't like it - but this didn't stop from going back for bite number 2 and 3. 
Little Man of course had to create something to wear also.

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